Tag Archives: Health and Human Services

Crossing Bok Chitto : Glossary 1e- This is Part 5 Diana Winslow MSW OKC

Part 5, will work to complete this list, this is a glossary and written narrative of issues of incorrect records at the OKDHS regarding child sex abuse reporting and after.  Here is the video, which a friend suggested needed a glossary. http://youtu.be/wsl5qafUR6g

1 e) Child Support is handled by a separate unit from the HHS/CPS service, which is different from a general benefits service. OKDHS tips the Child Support to an administrative court, and the conflicts attorney contractor does not represent in this, but the family not told that. Administrative Court is not published, nor is the outcome publicly documented, a parent may never have representation legally, and inaccuracies in these records, never hit ANY of the prior mentioned streams of service, or oversight. Oklahoma determines income ONLY by OKLAHOMA tax records, and so non US citizens, and non OKLAHOMA citizens …

Professional background checks are also possible at this time from law enforcement, but OKDHS, despite an increase in funding for this, chooses not to use dollars for it for internationals, and non-citizens.

2 e) Judges in Oklahoma County are appointed most often by the Governor, and any mishaps are not reported to the courthouse boss, but to the BAR, by the family, not by the sytems in which they function, no matter HOW many people observe the question.

3 e) Interstate compact is an agreement which exchanges a case. Oklahoma does not use this for exchanging CPS cases, but does use it for adoptions. Oklahoma kids, may be exported to other states for adoptions, and visa versa. Oklahoma is known for rapid adoptions.

4 e) Courts … some groups express concerns that OKDHS and Juvenile Court are held in the same general place. So issues of CPS and adoptions are held in the same bldg with same Judges as Juvenile criminal issues.

I dk where Juvenile Court Administrative issues are held, and pretty much never met anyone who has been IN the administrative court for child support… or any other things at ANY level of govt of administrative court.

Civil Court in Oklahoma County is downtown, this houses divorce and custody not involving cps issues and there is some clause that CPS active, isn’t or cannot be involved at THIS courthouse.THis too may be an inadvertent #unfounding the parent consents to, not understanding no reports or aid can come from CPS FOREVER after closing out a case at the Juvenile, and transfer to custody in civil court. This becomes a trainwreck for some families in dv sa abuse situations.

Appeals Court is not attended, and is all exchange of papers, with a panel from the Oklahoma Supreme Court.

HOW records are kept at either courthouse are also not controlled greatly and submissions to the court get odd responses which indicate there may be permeability or reorganization of those documents or electronics. This has been an issue in other states, with medical records or court records being electronically interfered with or in person or by personality. This is  a question at just about any level of court these days. Hacking mixed with unfounding is not well tracked. IT is definitely NOT private hospital platinum grade record control.

These cases can progress to the Oklahoma Supreme Court, and on to federal regional courts, and then to the US Supreme Court.

5 e ) United Nations has a day to prevent violence against Women and Girls, Nov 25. This is not honored by Oklahoma, Georgia, or North Carolina.  This is a long paper, but it explains http://www.un.org/womenwatch/daw/vaw/inventory/Inventory-Feb-2011.pdf  There is a newer paper just published this fall, but this is what I wrote this summer http://www.examiner.com/article/okc-sexual-assault-response-risk-management-is-prescribed-by-the-un-part-7

THESE are the UN standards I have concerns across all 3 states. The italicized words are from other sources, but in making the video fit the comment or point.

Diligence is if sufficient time, energy and money have been spent to provide proper report collections which are accurate and match the need of the situation, followed by proper and accurate investigations and court actions

Stereotyping is the victim belittled by race, class, gender, sex, or social situation, or type of crime.

Threats against reporting or demand to withdraw or alter reporting OR someone did alter, delete, dilute, augment, reorder the report ( remember unfounding is a thing)

Has any system or person in community or perpetrator threatened the victim regarding reporting, prosecution of anything related to the case to try to dilute, divert, delete, distract or diminish the report or right to report?

Scripting setting up a situation where it looks like certain actions are naturally happening , the situation is contrived. Gaslighting is an aspect of this, and in this space of this action others question the sanity or accuracy of the victim.

Defraud is when a person is lined up to lose their child on purpose. There is intention in an outcome, known before a process begins.

Racketeering is to collect or create something falsely and present as a true or accurate sign of work for pay or in trade. This is an illegal and intentional action. So fabricating records, pretending to have had appointments when there were none.

Humanitarian aid are life giving resources. Place to safely sleep, bathe, eat, make a living, have clothing, medical care, counseling. Basic life giving resources.

Michelle Alexander is a civil rights lawyer, who has a great book called The New Jim Crow, she also has a 1 hour video from Hampshire College where she dovetails current life questions and addresses marginalizations many face into organized concerns, with direction for requests and solutions. She is very watchable, and easy to understand. MORE ah-ha comes on, and then questions to mobilize. http://youtu.be/rvUeOvLSEMI

Enslavement is trapping in an activity which is illegal or semi-legal or legal against their course of natural personal developments or chosen path in life action. This typiclaly includes emotional control, phyiscal and sexual control, may include open or hidden abuses. The situation is typically unsafe if not dangerous, and can cause short or longterm harm. The situation may or may not involve pay.

6 e ) Paid incentives refers to money connected to a law … in the 1990’s druglaws were stiffened, and arrests took people directly to jail, versus lesser responses. POLICE and LAWYERS and JUDGES reportedly, along with CPS were game to collect incentives for bagging such cases in number. Which states extended quotas towards not clear. Who got money as natural opportunity, versus who had it as goal and pursued this was unclear.

7 e) Incentives pay is tricky.  WHAT accurate money is exchanged is not clear. Under what reasons, is apparently pretty loosely structured and virtually unaudited. Some call this legal kidnapping. Mrs. Schaefer in GEORGIA did note a double dipping for completed cases and so the racketeering known, but untended. BTW she died under odd circumstances.

Schaefer, a Senator for the State of Georgia addresses this here. http://vimeo.com/70915823.

Schaefer noted report which was in 2010, pretty much says it all… ” caseworkers withold and destroy evidence, fabricate.”

and apparently mandated reporting in Georgia, also doesn’t exist see this case http://caselaw.findlaw.com/ga-court-of-appeals/1397399.html


8 e) State testing for merit positions working with OKDHS as a CPS worker is totally different in structure than the APS worker questions.  CPS questions are projective and odd asking the test taker to guess and speculate at a wide variety of things. The APS questions, look at adult life cycle, needs, functionality, referrals for this or that presenting issue….. If the a person who is marginally unstable or easily persuaded to be reactive ( act without using a trained process to make decisions or collect information)  is selected in these jobs, where the upper management is not required to be licensed, and not required to have certifications it only increases the chaos.

Mix the above with the fact many selected workers have under treated or untreated issues of their own from prior traumas and so many leave and may be misused on the job or chronically grossly overstimulated by the workload, or by the topics faced, or mismanagement…. you do the math on the quality of work product which could be expected.

Campaign for Clarity, what is the goal?

Campaign for Clarity, what is the goal?

Crossing Bok Chitto : Glossary 1d -11d This is PART 4 Diana Winslow MSW OKC

A friend asked me to produce a glossary for this HHS/CPS accountability question, regarding various levels of problems seemingly caused by a failure of the agency to accurately account concerns on an inbound child sex assault report, but then in complete chaos in records.  http://youtu.be/wsl5qafUR6g

So  here is Part 4 of this Glossary, and perhaps this will be it?

1 d) Contractors are people who are asked to for a fee, typically paid by Medicaid or state money, to do a certain job, so mental health, medical, foster care, ….. These persons MAY BE STUDENTS on a stipend in a University program. The State of Georgia overtly says they have ZERO accountability to these providers, and no method to either report, nor act in addressing inappropriate actions. There is no requirement the appointed persons have a full license, which again brings into question who is paying for the service, what standard it is provided under and how is it audited for effectiveness ( it works or doesn’t) and cost efficiency ( what is paid is a good deal for service provided). Contractors may function as a service provider you think of as separate from core OKDHS work, or may be exactly working within OKDHS jobs. 

2. d ) Conflicts attorneys are contractors, and they are court employees. A family has to petition for this, and it is from the office of Public Defender, but not a public defender. The family, separate from the child, or children involved in a CPS case, are represented by this person, who often is running upwards of 300 cases at time. The parameters of this conflicts attorney self defines their job as with others above is not clearly defined to the family, and this person can at will jump on or off the horse of representative as issues come by in court. Standards of HOW or WHEN they would represent are undefined, it is up to that conflicts attorney judgment. Parents are ineligible for ANY other free service, such as Legal Aid, as that agency or ACLU, neither take on such cases. No money for DV or SA services may be used in CPS issues, even if only questions, because it conflicts with USDOJ rules if parent is accused. SO dual filing against a parent , one reporting …. to simultaneously accuse them grossly reduces supportive or sustaining resources IMMEDIATELY.

2 d) By the same token, these are forced services, so the agency of HHS/CPS typically chooses WHO will be the provider and the family has no rights either in the process, nor in the follow through. OKDHS staff, again is not culling reports and OKLAHOMA law cites only certain types of mental health professionals with certain credentials and licenses will be involved in CUSTODY cases, so these cases are dumbed down, with support or signature of a Judge, and no audit of a singular service, FOR ANY of “the 9” involved guarantees NOONE catches up with said problems OR ANY PROBLEMS> There is no explanation of rights or obligations of the providers to the family, and no audit. 

3 d) 90% of all pick up orders are honored in OKLAHOMA county, irrespective of content.

4 d) Payments for services in a process like this might come from federal funding, state funding in form of salary, contractual agreement, stipend, bonus, incentive or as result of completion of a performance evaluation, so as a raise in salary.  Monies give by the federal government to secure adoptions of children OUT Of FOSTER CARE, may be used in any way to encourage same.External payments… payment for services outside the OKDHS fund for the process is questionable if not illegal. For instance also, police may not ask OKDHS to act as a law enforcement conduit, or instead of law enforcement, or for a private attorney in a case like custody. Such actions are a conflict of interest and interference in the case, second to agency role confusion or dilution. 

5 d) Oklahoma has been touted since the late 1990’s for “rapid adoptions” and also during this time frame, an explosion of women in prison ( highest numbers on first, small offenses in the WORLD) Where do you figure their kids go?

6 d ) Triage sheets are papers which rate collections of complaints. Probably the most similar thing is lethality measures…. every complaint reported is logged on a coding system. For instance breathing on a person hard and yelling, is a different version of maltreatment than having fingers around the neck choking… while breathing hard and yelling. The second one has a SUPER high fatality rate connected with it. If the report is miscoded, on purpose or in error or due to lack of electronic resources, due to interference in the record, it is mismarked and improper services applied. TOO MANY is as much a problem as too few. Triage sheets, or assignment sheets don’t come to court, don’t show in audit and aren’t in the file. But show the PATH of the case, from first review. Monkeying with such data, is permitted in police work, and has become a first reply of investigators under the title of #unfounding it allows police or CPS to refuse a report, delete, dilute, reorder without consequence having NEVER taken a report, or investigated. No word on who controls rules like this. Other videos in my YOUTUBE deal with this question by history.

7 d) Unbeknownst to many in OKLAHOMA apparently, numerous counties are restricted ( by whom IDK from taking their OWN CPS reports, or processing investigations or cases, due to racketeering. This implies GROSS errors or intentional errors to traffick kids. Why these groups are on, or what might happen next, is not clear.

8 d) State CPS agencies keep a roster, which is somehow tied to public CPS abuse “convictions” and in this, persons under investigation, charged and convicted are in a pool. This pool, for most employers in OKLAHOMA requires a letter answering the case is  unsubstantiated from the OKDHS. Otherwise, presumed guilt on a complaint, OKDHS refusal to complete complaint investigations or withdraw them are on the parent accused or semi- accused as below.

9 d) North Carolina required my family to have a letter FROM OKDHS closing the 2006 OKPD case, where my daughter was the VICTIM and I the complainant, on a non-family member abuse situation. By law, this is police managed, and so not only did OKDHS really have nothing to do with it, but I was not in the line of sight as an issue. SO go figure.

10 d) Oklahoma State staff for OKDHS are not supposed to have any legal issues, and some

Campaign for Clarity, what is the goal?

Campaign for Clarity, what is the goal?

other OKC parents have overtly complained that people with multiple felony convictions work for OKDHS, or for satellite services in the 9.

11 d) ” The 9″ refers to people in spectrum around a child abuse reporting issue, and investigations. http://www.examiner.com/article/family-court-word-to-the-9-child-human-rights-court-part-6-a-series

Crossing Bok Chitto: Glossary 1c-12c PART 3 Diana Winslow MSW OKC

This is the third part of a glossary that goes with a video about the investigation or audit of child protective services in the United States. http://youtu.be/wsl5qafUR6g  

1 c) Handheld units refers to documentation units. These are like the units used by the UPS person, and allow a worker to access documents, most often for signature.

2 c)  The chain of command in a cps office is usually

Division Director, so Child and Family Services Director http://www.okdhs.org/programsandservices/cps/default.htm  and then all other services post in counties.
Examples are Department Heads, Unit Heads, Supervisors and line workers.

3 c ) Administrative process refers to anything above the worker you are assigned, as intake worker, investigator or ongoing worker. This tier of responsibility is not often shown on any diagram, and so discovery only comes from experiencing it, or directly asking. So it isn’t given to you when you come into contact with them.

4 c) IF letters are exchanged between a family and the local CPS agency, administration at the state level, or the HHS/ACF or OCR or CB or others… these documents are not posted inside the file of the case, but are held elsewhere. Corrective action, or administrative meeting notes for instance are not given in writing to the family, and/or not held inside the file.

5 c) Case files can be held under multiple arenas, even in the agency may never be culled to ONE FILE. So meetings, complaints or other calls for action or correction are typically held elsewhere, and thing supplied from other communications sources like email, or phones are not culled to the file of contact for the client.

5 c) Release of information even under FOA, so the family right for data nor anyone’s right for data may not ever capture that administrative ride, and some data is considered investigative data, and is forever witheld and protected.

6 c ) I have been told, it is illegal to withold information in cases, especially if it appears to be KNOWN to be wrong, or cannot be proven and is called hearsay, or hearsay upon hearsay. Unfortunately, there is no method to “catch” this data, one because the split between the administrative or federal actions and the file don’t meet, and two because even these administrators or federal job holders or even your attorney never see all the everything in such a file.

7 c) In example, on Release of Information forms, even if a person KNEW to ask for ALL that administrative interaction, that is not the file or possibly not any part open to a family about ROI of their records, so it would not be released.

8 c) Separate from that, these cases “splinter” or “fragment” into accountability, so services recorded or provided or USED by another like COURT< medical provider, or counseling, testing, medical eval…. each one is in a separately housed accountability… and that becomes a nightmare for the family to untangle EACH strand.

9 c) THE OUTCOME of complaints or calls for OCR or ACF to be involved, may result in some viewing of some pieces of files, but recall Ombudsman or any group interfacing with HHS/CPS has no full access or right to subpoena in OKLAHOMA. ALSO, the only outcome offered, after MONTHS of random meetings and struggle, which are not “team” meetings of the involved, is that YOU can ask certain data be INSERTED in the file, along with a NOTE from ACF OCR  and NOTHING is removed, no matter how WRONG it is.

10 c) In that, the data upon ROI is released again, and again in the ORIGINAL ERROR FILLED FORM< because YOUR contact with ACF, OCR or Obudsman is ADMINISTRATIVE< and CONFIDENTIAL and that is a 3rd party re-release. Though OKDHS nor GADFCS are HIPPA compliant, due to no license or such, this then is thrown up as to why they keep releasing the exact same error filled records, without recourse by the family.

11 c) Independent of THAT problem, as with our case, there was every indication there was interference with records, including falsification of records for a fee and result, Medicaid fraud and name fraud. No group was require to report these problems. Kids who are in state custody even temporarily under a medicaid billing, have some different BILLING CODES< or have a digit or number added to the Medicaid number, so unless the worker is diligently tracking the case, and demanding all reports as in loco parentus, in place of the parent, the real family cannot get these actions, providers, billed services, outcome of tests either medical or psychological, nor any recommendations of services.

12 c) WIth that in mind, these records develop a life of their own, and mixing identities, files and services is dangeous for the child and can be fatal to a family unit. But there is no place to report this, and the parent can never track WHAT went WRONG Who did it, when and WHY?

Campaign for Clarity, what is the goal?

Campaign for Clarity, what is the goal?

Crossing Bok Chitto: Glossary 1b-11b this is PART 2 Diana Winslow MSW OKC

This is the second glossary connected to this YOUTUBE video and other videos I have made about  HHS/CPS Child Protective Services

So the chain of command, just for reference is  a) President of the USA  b) Then the HHS   Then each, c) the ACF, d.) the CB  e.) the OCR and finally  f.) Your local office of CPS

Federal Inter-agency Work Group on Child Abuse and Neglect under the Children’s Bureau/ Administration to Children and Families is  FORMALLY listed as THIS: US Department of 1.) Health and Human Services, 2.) Dept of Agriculture, 3.) Dept of Defense, 4.) Dept of Education, 5.) Dept of The Interior, 6.) Dept of Justice and 7.) Dept of State. 

Many believe Federal oversight, if it were to happen on CPS child abuse issues would happen down that chain of command. Federal oversight happens to monitor the state or local offices compliance with policy and law in HHS.

Federal oversight can also happen after some external group files a complaint in federal court. An example of this is the Oklahoma case out of TULSA by the private, non-profit group Children’s Rights out of New York.   In Georgia, the Children’s Rights case is still open, and called the Kenny A Case. BOTH of these cases were or are regarding FOSTER CHILDREN, and were paid out by insurance from each state. BOTH of these cases have little to do with better services for all.
The public can neither communicate with the appointed groups who are federally monitoring either state, may not speak with the Judge, and NO individual case is being considered irrespective of facts to illustrate problems or needs in the service delivery or complaint systems. Each state has chosen to participate reactively to the problem, and either waited for such a case to come to trial OR began bargaining once the case moved towards trial.

Accreditations for professional structuring of services, paperwork and check and balance over staff is recommended http://www.examiner.com/article/campaign-for-clarity-exact-functional-change-is-available-for-okdhs-ask-now

NEITHER Georgia nor Oklahoma as a state has professional accreditations from

PERF for the local police, http://www.policeforum.org/

COANET for the HHS/CPS http://coanet.org/

and the National Alliance for Children, over child forensic centers has a top shelf standard for service, which OKLAHOMA is not using. http://www.nationalchildrensalliance.org/  though some are members.

NONE of these oversight groups are connected to the government. All require membership. Membership is NOT licensure, so there ALSO is no sanction for acts against their standard really and does not result in any formal actions which are legally binding. 

On with the glossary

1 b )  1997 federal law is prohibitive, and refuses the federal government the right to act to investigate, or guide ANY state when there appear to be problems. THIS rule, cited  here is held under the US Social Security ACT, held by the SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION .  So yet another entity with a finger in the pie of child protections or child rights, dependent upon how you look at it. please notice that SSA is not listed in the 7 groups in the work group above, so who has CONTROL over the state CPS programs under SSA, if the federal government in HHS/ACF/CB doesn’t?   Here is the article from me, which cites the act for ALL HHS/CPS in every state. http://www.examiner.com/article/understand-which-federal-law-must-change-and-why-for-a-better-okdhs

2 b) Criminal Permeations  are when crime is either present when the plan is constructed, or could be comfortably assembled given how a situation is arranged. SUCCESSFUL criminal permeation is when the crime act or criminals wait to commit crime and can do so under the existing structure and not get caught.

3 b) Complicit is when people around or within the system permit  CRIMINAL problems to go  Thomas Ryan Red Corn did an exceptional job of explaining that we KNOW what the holes are and can no longer refuse to reveal and repair them. http://youtu.be/P4Up0drnXX4

4 b) Compliant is when you go along with something you maybe don’t agree with. Complicit is knowingly and willfully turning a blind eye to the criminal problem, and criminal related damage.

5 b ) Documentation refers to all the various types of communications that account what goes on, so these may be written, electronically transcribed or transmitted in accounts, on paper or audio recording.

6 b ) Child Issues Ombudsman,  most every state has a person or group of people who are part of the state… and supposedly set apart from the state to somehow keep tabs on child services in HHS/CPS. These groups typically operate on issues after some complaint has surfaced. The groups never have full access to systemic record keeping or 100% spectrum of data or staff used to create or process a case.  This will be covered in a video by itself, because this is pretty important. Oklahoma has 3 things which might match this. There is an OKDHS liaison to the community and who is a direct employee of the OKDHS,  there is a liaison between the OKDHS and the Juvenile Court, overseen by the Juvenile Courts, and there is the Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth, OCCY which is owned and operated by the state, with staff seemingly appointed directly from the OKDHS. So NONE of these “helper” advocate people are independent of the state. Georgia has a Child Advocacy Office, appointed by the Governor. Neither state has a plan for conflict of interest in sitting or appointed staff. Neither state has rules of the rights of the victim reporting complaint, nor any matching legal support independent of the State. Neither state has any binding accountability to these advocates, would that they might find something wrong. 

7 b ) Phone logs or rosters, include as with any phone system all inbound and dialed calls, from cell or landline phone. This would include receptionist, secretary…..  A message book, message box, or appointment calendar on a phone would be a separate set of data about phone calls, and use of the phone, including attempted calls.

8 b ) Complaint forms, neither Oklahoma nor Georgia offer any online complaint forms. Oklahoma requires that a person call in and explain all staff involved in the complaint, topic and the complaint itself and then a form will be mailed out. So they forms are not available to just pick up, or log in.  OKDHS has rules about response time, or processing complaints, but they are also supposed to tell you their name, and phone number and boss and their phone number, but if they do not comply, this remains without processes to address.   Georgia has no formal process for complaint.  Neither Georgia nor Oklahoma are required to explain there is any resource, such as a form, or a boss or a liaison or an Ombudsman.

9 b ) Georgia uses students and contractors at all levels  of service, and Georgia refuses to take any responsibility for the work product, or outcomes no matter how inappropriate.  The public has no choice in the matter. I suspect Oklahoma is similar. http://www.examiner.com/article/use-of-contractors-unmonitored-unfettered-renewable-vomiting-of-inaccuracies

10 b ) North Carolina has no due process law as a state, so there is no obligation to complete any level of service to the public under any time frame.

11 b ) Signing cases into a 2 year maximum CPS oversight service agreement whether they need it or not, is based upon federal dollars made available to the state, not necessarily a defined, measurable, proven need from the child or family.  Since noone is watching, at any level … this is widely used not just in these states. It guarantees money coming to the state for that exact case for 2 years, no matter what level of service the case is held.

Campaign for Clarity, what is the goal?

Campaign for Clarity, what is the goal?

Crossing Bok Chitto: Glossary Part 1a-12a Diana Winslow MSW OKC

IN the 1800’s.
Native American Choctaw history,
in the deep South, women from the tribe laid stones just below the surface of a river.
At night, wearing white gowns, carrying candles,
they would meet slaves at the rivers edge
and in their illumination,
lead slaves to freedom across this lightly submerged path.
They appeared as angels to the slaves, who passed the process to become freedmen.
Here is the children’s book on same.

This glossary and the YouTube videos are designed to help the public ask more exact questions about HHS CPS, and law enforcement response……

Campaign for Clarity, what is the goal?

Campaign for Clarity, what is the goal?

and possibly to generate a better service for children, youth, young adults and families.

The President of the United States, who is Barack Obama is over all branches of government.
Health and Human Services is a division of federal government who is directed currently by Sylvia Burwell Maxwell. It was recently under a man named Joseph Bock.
The next tier is the ACF, the Administration to Children and Families.
The next tier is the CB the Children’s Bureau
Then your community service of Health and Human Services.

There is a branch of the Office of Civil Rights OVER record keeping and services provision in HHS CPS, but it is different than the general Office of Civil Rights under USDOJ, FYI.

In Oklahoma, HHS/CPS is called the Department of Human Services.
In Georgia, the Department of Family and Children’s Services
In North Carolina, it is called the Department of Social Services.

Each state has it’s own name for their program.

These programs are under the ACF/CB… which has one person appointed often for multiple states. That is reviewed in separate video.

These terms, on this document are written to match this video, as friend identified people might want this information expanded. Each video is only 15 minutes long, so lots of explaining or re-explanation is unrealistic.

So this video is what is being referenced. You might wish to watch it first, or you might want to print off these terms, so you can use them when watching this video.

Here we go!

1 a) Community liaison is a person or persons who are supposed to make some kind of supportive connections or provide explanations, services to the public related to a service in question.

2 a) Law could be regarding city, county, state, federal or international issues. Laws have to be written, discussed and voted upon by electeds or by the people and SIGNED as the rule of the law by an authority.

3 a) Policy is usually referring to something within a group, guiding how it will do business. SOME AGENCY policy is guided by state statutes ( by law) Other, is merely written after agreements within the agency on how to do something….. so decided by whomever is working there at a certain point in time.
OKDHS would have a policy book on dealing with CPS issues, but that would be separate from a book on dealing with TANF or housing, each controlled by separate rules for making THOSE rules.

4 a) Clause is some amendment to an existing plan of action, which usually adds something extra or conditions to add or remove something if certain conditions exist.

5 a )Custom is simply HOW things have been done, informally prescribed…. ” we have always done it that way”.

6 a) MOU is probably the most famous, College Rape MOU is a sex assault agreement from the feds in the US DEPT of EDUCATION about how sex assault reports and all following services are handled by COLLEGES> See that this is a published requirement with federal punishment coming in part with fees and fines for non-compliance.
SEE that HHS/CPS nor law enforcement are the locus of control for sex assault response on THIS MOU.

7 a) So, an MOU is an agreement, typically jointly held between groups which acts as less than a law, but more than a policy or gentleman’s agreement of how certain problems or resources would be handled at a certain point in time. TYPICALLY, MOU’s are not published, and not available to the public. So see that the COLLEGE RAPE MOU is unusual, in and of itself, but also in who the players are on the topic and that it is so public.

8 a ) Many MOU are held behind the scenes, and my question has been if there are other MOU or like agreements which make it possible for OTHER methods of dealing with sexual assault may exist. In other videos I have referenced this as the USDOJ Hallpass, http://youtu.be/kDaUjjs60Ik

9 a) I have since been told that what I am trying to talk about is probably called a RULE OF EVIDENCE so that is what is acceptable to a prosecutor or court as evidence in an investigation

10 a) I discovered there is something called “Unfounding” http://youtu.be/VTqMCaX6yhI which is a rule that says that police or cps can refuse to take a report on an issues. OR can dilute, delete, reorder the report at will. This is considered an unethical act by a group known as PERF, and they also consider this to be a Human Rights Violation. Not all police are guided by the beliefs of this organization, of PERF http://www.policeforum.org/

11 a) Yet with all this discussion, I am WHOLLY unable to get ANYONE in or out of govenrment to tell me what the rule is. POLICY< CUSTOM< LAW < MOU OR CLAUSE or something ELSE.

12 a ) Federal oversight has to do with an upper level federal group checking on a lower level group.
So the public often is taught that upper levels of government, have direct oversight over things in the community. That is kind of true, but mostly NOT true on issues of HHS/CPS.